Aug 12, 2021
Check out our interview with the University of Kentucky’s Gatton College of Business and Economics website. Thanks to the Von Allmen Center for Entrepreneurship Series “Beyond the Pandemic”. We are the featured business owners on Episode 5 of the...
Mar 11, 2021
Is it a bar? Is it a casual restaurant? Is it a Southern restaurant? Is it upscale dining? Is it a live music venue? Is it a BBQ Joint? The answer is YES to all. J. Render’s BBQ concept started on a summer day back in 2011 while Ren and I were sitting...
Dec 9, 2020
We have never had soup beans at #JRenders but that’s about to change. All next week, make plans to stop by and try a bowl and ask for it Gwyn’s Way. Check out the video on Facebook to see what that’s all about. Check out our menu for more seasonal...
Nov 9, 2020
Want to see how we are handling COVID-19 changes into the winter months? Check out our interview with WKYT: “We’re trying to give them as many options as possible,”...
Jul 22, 2020
Ren & Gwyn Everly here to show you how to smoke a pork butt at home! Follow along and use our J. Render’s Signature Rub or visit us at 3139 Beaumont Centre Circle in Lexington! To see the rest of our restaurant menu, click here